Create your new Aussie Names account
Aussie Names provides premium domain name, website and email hosting services for your specific business needs.
We do all the hard stuff, all the complicated setting up, with step-by-step easy-to-follow
procedures to ensure the digital side of your business works fast and seamlessly, all the time.
If you don’t know much about Aussie Names yet, you should probably read our about page.
You should have noticed by now that this website loads at lightning speed. Our customers store their
websites on the exact same premium, secure, Australian-based servers as we do, receiving the same lightning-fast, mobile-friendly load speeds.
We manually process each and every new signup to ensure we only have legitimate customers using our premium services for legitimate reasons.
Simply fill out the form below and one of our technicians will create a free account for you on our system and guide you through the process of moving all of your domains over to us.